"If you
pick the right people…
you almost don't have to manage them."
Jack Welch
You'll never achieve Superior Employee Job
Performance without doing these three things:
HIRE the Right People
(Job Fit)
Skills (Leadership)
(Manage and Motivate)
Discover the secrets to achieving superior employee performance
Plus get valuable bonuses worth $400.00 and
Support Alzheimer's Disease research*

Superior Employee
How to Hire, Develop, and Retain the RIGHT People
by Annette Estes, CPBA, CPVA

Superior Employee Performance details a 7-step process that will show you
the secret to hiring top talent. It will help you understand who your employees are, not
just what they do. You need to know before
you hire them:
Will they do the job the way it
should be done for superior performance?
Does the job reward their values and
therefore motivate them to be a superior performer?
Does the job require the kinds of
tasks they prefer to do?
How do they respond to problems and
How do they relate to other people?
Do they welcome or resist change?
Do they tend to follow or break rules?
Does who they are fit what
the job requires them to do?
You can try to find out during the job interview, but applicants' probably will
tell you what they think you want to hear, which may or may not be the truth.
Job applicants wear a "mask" during the interview, which is one of
the reasons a Michigan State University study concluded,
"the job interview is (only)
14% accurate."
Superior Employee Performance will give you an insider's look at
people's behavior and attitudes,
which determine what motivates them and explains why they behave as
they do.
Hiring superior performers will
automatically make your managers' jobs easier. Still,
employees need managing, guiding, and coaching.
Superior Employee Performance
will give you tips on how to understand and manage people with
different personality types and values. It will show you how to
improve communications with your staff and how to reward superior
performance in a way that will motivate individual employees even
more effectively.
Superior Employee Performance
is the ultimate team-building guide in that it gives tips on how
employees can communicate with, manage, and motivate each other.

Right now
you might be asking,
“Who is Annette and why should I buy her book?”
question. I'm Annette Estes and I am passionate about helping companies hire,
develop, and retain the right people. We have a unique, patented process that
helps companies conduct behavioral based interviews that are EEOC
compliant and result in the hiring of superior employees. Our
process doesn't stop there, but continues to help companies manage
and develop their people to increase job satisfaction and employee
The Estes Group has been
serving our clients for
18 years. I am a Certified Professional Behavioral and Values
Analyst, coach, and consultant. I'm a graduate of The
University of the Ozarks and CoachU, and a founding member of
CoachVille and the International Association of Coaches (IAC). I'm
also an award-winning columnist and expert eZine articles author.
My first book was published in 2003 and is now an eBook, also.
It's entitled
Why Can't
You See It My Way? Resolving Values Conflicts at Work and Home.

Some of the knowledge you'll
gain from reading
Superior Employee Performance
Where measuring
superior performance begins
How behavior and
attitude relate
to employee job performance
How to manage people
with different behaviors and attitudes
How to match a person to a job
The value each person brings
to your company
How you can hire top talent with ease and confidence
Plus, you'll discover a 7-step process
that can help you:
Hire the right
reduce your employee
turnover rate
Increase employee job satisfaction
and employee retention
Improve conflict management
profitability - significantly

Yeah, but...
How do
I know this information will help our company and save us money?
How much
money does one bad hire cost your company? I can
guarantee you, if you implement the process in the ebook as I describe
it, you will make better hires, retain the right people, and improve
profitability. I know this from
the experience of my clients and other companies. And
Superior Employee Performance includes results of research studies that prove it works.
Does this
process cost a lot of money or take a lot of time and effort to
No. The initial process
takes three hours. After that
it's easy and quick to incorporate into your hiring process and takes
only 20-30 minutes to get accurate results.
If this system prevents you from making even one bad hire, it could
pay for itself for a lifetime.
You can
feel confident that this book contains accurate information about a
proven, but little known, process for improving employee job
performance. If not, we'll refund your purchase price.
For every copy of Superior Employee
Performance we sell, we donate $1.00 to the Alzheimer's
Association. So, if you buy this book, it's a win-win-win for
you, us, and those suffering from this debilitating disease.
If you don't want to buy the book,
and/or if you'd like to make a larger contribution, you may make
your own personal donation by going here to the
Alzheimer's Association website. This page is my tribute
to my mother, Ruth Carlisle, who died on October 23, 2011, from
complications of Alzheimer's disease.
My mother at age 95 and age 99

Watch this YouTube video of Alzheimer's Association Celebrity

What does it cost?
Superior Employee Performance
sell for $40.00 or even $50.00, but you can get
it now for just
– and get these
5 valuable bonuses
worth $400.00
for FREE:
Free report:
The Importance of Values in Leadership
($20 value)

employee job performance evaluation
free leader assessment inspired by outstanding leaders that will help
you determine your leadership skills
A free copy
of The Estes Group's 2004
Hiring Study, which
includes international hiring research
free diversity report on how to
manage and
communicate with people who have different
behavior types.
($50 value)
That's a
total of
in free bonuses just for ordering
Superior Employee Performance today.
Fill out this form now and click the
Get more info on hiring
superior performers